Clash Nyanpasu


Clash Nyanpasu currently supports Windows 7 and higher, Linux, and macOS 10.15 and above.

  • Windows ARM64 version is currently not supported, support will be considered following Clash Rust's compatibility.
  • The Linux version does not currently support ARM architecture, support is expected to be considered after the release of version 1.5.0.


The GitHub Release page includes explanations for some terms:

  • amd64 - x86_64, suitable for regular computers
  • aarch64 - armv8/arm64/armv9, choose this for computers using ARM CPUs

Plans are in place to support only the above architectures.



Starting from version 1.5.0, Clash Nyanpasu will no longer provide MSI installer packages.

First, ensure your system has the Webview2 runtime installed. If not, you can download and install it from the Microsoft official website.


Download the latest version of Clash.Nyanpasu_x.y.z_x64-setup.exe from the GitHub Release page.

Portable Version


Please note that the Tauri official does not support portable versions.
The portable version provided by Clash Nyanpasu[1] is generated through an automated packaging process and explicitly ignores the detection of Webview2, which might lead to some issues. We plan to adhere to the principle of not modifying the registry for portable versions in the future. Therefore, some features may not work as expected:

  • System Services: Since clash-verge-service involves service registration and registry modification, it contradicts the principle of the portable version and will be removed.
  • Notification Functionality: Portable versions cannot use system notifications on Windows 10, making some backend notification triggers invisible.
  • Quick Import (Custom Schema): Given that the portable version cannot modify the registry, this feature will not be supported.

Download the latest version of from the GitHub Release page, unzip it, and run.


Download the latest version of (for Intel CPUs) or (for M series CPUs) from the GitHub Release page and install as usual.

If you encounter any installation issues, please refer to the FAQ.


Due to limitations with AppImage, we recommend installation via package managers or compiling from source.

With Tauri 2 in its testing phase, we plan to introduce RPM support and potentially FlatPak support[2] upon its official release.


If using a package manager or compiling from source, please do not use the in-app update feature.


Install using a third-party PPA source or download the latest deb package from the GitHub Release page.

Installing Using a Deb Package

Download the latest version of clash-nyanpasu_x.y.z_amd64.deb from the GitHub Release page.

Then execute in the terminal:

sudo apt install -y ./clash-nyanpasu_x.y.z_amd64.deb


AUR packages are currently provided by enthusiasts: Stable version (compiled) / Binary Package or Development version (compiled).

Here is an example of installing AUR packages using paru:

paru -Syu clash-nyanpasu
paru -Syu clash-nyanpasu-bin
paru -Syu clash-nyanpasu-git



Due to the development team's lack of a Linux DE environment, issues arising within the AppImage environment may not be promptly resolved.

Known issues include:

  • Inability to update the kernel program
  • Inability to detect kernel program version
  • Potential failure to elevate privileges, leading to TUN unusable

Download the latest version of clash-nyanpasu_x.y.z_amd64.AppImage from the GitHub Release page, then double-click to run it.

To run it from the terminal, you can use the following commands:

chmod +x ./clash-nyanpasu_x.y.z_amd64.AppImage

For autostart, you may need to write a .desktop file.


  1. The definition of Portable - ↩︎

  2. The work of FlatPak support is still in progress - ↩︎